Saturday, July 28, 2012

Down on the Farm Now Available

The latest children's ebook took longer to produce than I had hoped, due to family circumstances and some complications along the way. I love the way it has turned out, however, because while it is strikingly simple in appearance, I feel that it appeals to young readers just starting out in their comprehension of numbers and counting.

 Each farm scene features a different animal, with more of each animal appearing as the reader explores the farm. 

My latest felt illustrated children's ebook Down on the Farm is now available at Amazon. This endearing, primitive book teaches children about farm animals and introduces the numbers one to ten in a fun and engaging way. Playful rhymes accompany felt illustrations of all the main farm animals. Children will learn to count the animals and discover new vocabulary along the way.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Simple or Interactive Kids Ebooks?

With the availability of children's Ebooks on devices such as the Ipad, Kindle Fire and others, many publishers are exploring adding interactive elements to their ebooks for children. Kids can click on characters in the story to see them move or hear them talk, items can be dragged or used in the story, and children can even make decisions that alter the outcome of the book. While I certainly know that my daughter enjoys these kinds of ebooks, and think that they have their place in the market, interactive ebooks are not something I am interested in creating myself for a number of reasons.

The essence of my stories is their simplicity. I like to teach a concept, send a message or just make a child smile through simple rhymes, endearing illustrations and likeable characters. I want the children who read my books to get lost in the story or the words and to use the pictures as a springboard for their own ideas. With my felt scenes, I hope that children can almost imagine themselves moving the characters around the scenes to enhance the stories, even if they cannot physically do so. For me, so much of children's literature lies in the imagination of the reader.

When I watch my daughter using apps or playing around with interactive stories, she is certainly entertained, but I find her starting to mindlessly touch object after object without really engaging with the background story or what the characters are saying. She just wants to make everything move or make noise, but is not truly enhancing the story. On the other hand, when she reads simple ebooks, she asks questions, points out details of the illustrations, and takes the stories to a deeper level on her own.

I love that with modern technology our children have so many options. I'm happy that my daughters can enjoy all types of literature, but from an author's perspective, I'll stick with what moves me the most.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ebooks for Children: Is there a Market for them?

I've been writing children's stories for years, even before I had my own kids and certainly before the Ebook came to be. I've written other types of books and technical pieces before, and continue to do so, but it's the children's books that always draw me in. There is something about imagining a little mind absorbing your ideas and finding joy in your stories. I like to hope that children want to read my stories again and again, just like my girls do with their favorite books.

Children's Ebooks are a relatively new concept, and they are certainly not as popular as many other Ebook genres such as fiction, self help and erotica (the quiet bestseller). There are a number of reasons for this. Of course, the people making the purchasing decisions are adults who are more likely to purchase for themselves than their children, or are at least more discerning customers. Children's books can also be quite difficult to translate into Ebook format due to complexities in formatting, image size, text wrapping etc. Many parents also do not wish to deviate from the traditional method of connecting with their children through books. I know that some of my favorite moments with my children come when we snuggle up with print books, and some of that just cannot be replicated with an electronic device.

All this being said, children's Ebooks have a lot to offer. They can excite and engage young readers in ways that print books cannot. They are portable, available instantly, and don't take up a lot of space. Ebooks also tend to be much cheaper than their print counterparts, and with waning attention spans and constantly changing interests this can be a huge draw to parents.

I am a firm believer that Ebooks and traditional print books should exist in harmony, not in competition with one another. I love to read all forms of books with my girls, to expand their horizons as much as possible and to expose them to as many experiences as I can. In the end, if I am fostering a love of reading, I am just as happy to do so with a kindle or an Ipad as with a hardback or a board book.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Creating the Next Children's Ebook

Unlike some of my other children's Ebooks, the book I am working on now hasn't been years in the making or a vision I have had for a long time. It's really born out of my 20 month old's current obsession with numbers and counting. I wanted to write a kid's Ebook that she would really enjoy at this stage in her development, but also wanted to keep it in much the same style as my other stories.

I'm currently working on a farm counting book featuring my layered felt illustrations and plenty of fun animals for children to enjoy as they learn their numbers. I hope to have it completed soon, and will be posting some snapshots before it is completed. I'm so excited to see what my daughter thinks of it!